Posted in biotech, Evolution / Genetics, Technology at 8:10 am by rheil
A ‘Kill Switch’ for Rogue Microbes (by Katherine Bourzac, 08/20/2010, TechnologyReview)
“A new type of genetic switch gives bioengineers better control over microbes.
Biologists often speak of switching genes on and off to give microbes new abilities–like producing biofuels or drugs, or gobbling up environmental toxins. For the most part, though, it’s nearly impossible to turn off a gene without deleting it (which means you can’t turn it on again). This limits biologists’ ability to control how much of a particular protein a microbe produces. It also restricts bioengineers’ ability to design new microbes.” [read original article]
Posted in Critics, Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 6:29 am by rheil
Wenn Technik Lösungen, aber keine Antworten bietet
Jörg Auf dem Hövel 20.08.2010 (telepolis)
Interview mit dem Philosophen Oliver Müller über chemo- und neurotechnologische Umbaumaßnahmen an Körper und Geist
„Der Philosoph Oliver Müller arbeitet am Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin und jetzt hat ein erhellendes Werk über den Einzug technischer Optimierungen in Lebenswelt und Körper des Menschen geschrieben. Im Interview beschreibt er, welche Auswirkungen diese Technisierungsprozesse auf Selbstsein und Selbstverständnis haben können.“ [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in AI / Singularity, Anti-Aging, Human Enhancement, Technology, Transhumanism at 5:40 am by rheil
„Merely Human? That’s So Yesterday (New York Times, 06/11/2010, By ASHLEE VANCE)
Some of Silicon Valley’s smartest and wealthiest people have embraced the Singularity. They believe that technology may be the only way to solve the world’s ills, while also allowing people to seize control of the evolutionary process. For those who haven’t noticed, the Valley’s most-celebrated company — Google — works daily on building a giant brain that harnesses the thinking power of humans in order to surpass the thinking power of humans.
Larry Page, Google’s other co-founder, helped set up Singularity University in 2008, and the company has supported it with more than $250,000 in donations. Some of Google’s earliest employees are, thanks to personal donations of $100,000 each, among the university’s “founding circle.” (Mr. Page did not respond to interview requests.)“ [read original article]
Posted in Human Enhancement, Neuro, Nootropics at 7:09 am by rheil
“Study Finds Poker Players Using Drugs to Enhance Performance (newswise)
Newswise — A Nova Southeastern University study recently presented at a national conference found that 80 percent of poker players around the world reported using drugs and other substances to enhance their performance in poker.
Poker players are using drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, Valium, and other prescription medications, as well as substances including caffeine, energy drinks and guarana to get an edge over their opponents.” [read original article]
Posted in AI / Singularity, biotech, Evolution / Genetics, Future, Human Enhancement, Technology, Transhumanism at 6:19 am by rheil
Israel’s Value to Transhumanism (h+ magazin)
„Imagine this sci-fi scenario: A small tribe with unique literature, customs and myths believes they’ve been “chosen” for a glorious destiny. But they’re driven out of their native land, forced to wander the globe for aeons, persecuted and annihilated, until they’re impelled by a utopian novel to return to their homeland. They name their new city after the inspirational book and their country becomes a technological powerhouse… but still, they’re surrounded by enemies. They wage eternal war, they hover between hope and apocalypse… their contributions to humanity are astounding but they continue to fear total extinction.“ [read original article]
Posted in Nanotechnology, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:45 am by rheil
Sculpting a Nano ‘World’ (Technology Review, 30. April 2010)
“IBM researchers have invented a low-cost and relatively simple fabrication tool capable of reliably creating features as small as 15 nanometers. To show off the tool, the researchers at IBM’s Zurich lab made a three-dimensional map of the Earth so small that 1,000 of them would fit onto a single grain of salt.
Existing nano-fabrication techniques like electron beam lithography have difficulty making features much smaller than 30 nanometers and are expensive and complex instruments. In contrast, the IBM researchers say their new fabrication tool sits on a tabletop at one-fifth to one-tenth the cost. [...]” [read original article]
Posted in AI / Singularity, Anti-Aging, biotech, Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Technology, Transhumanism at 8:38 am by rheil
Werden wir ewig leben? (Jörg Auf dem Hövel, telepolis, 15.04.2010)
„Ein Interview-Sammelband prüft die Thesen von Ray Kurzweil und gibt den Stand der Dinge zu Enhancement und Lebensverlängerung zum besten.
Roman Brinzanik und Tobias Hülswitt haben nun unter dem Titel „Werden wir ewig leben?“ die Ideen von Kurzweil zum Anlass genommen, den heutigen Stand der Naturwissenschaften zu optimierenden und lebensverlängernden Maßnahmen mit ihren Interviewpartner abzuklären, Wissenschaft von Heilsversprechen zu treffen und die ethischen Herausforderungen auszuloten. Zu Wort kommen unter anderem der Chemie-Nobelpreisträger Jean-Marie Lehn, der Stammzellforscher Hans Schöler, der Hirnforscher Wolf Singer, der Demographen James W. Vaupel und der Technik-Ethiker Bert Gordijn.“ [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in AI / Singularity, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:01 am by rheil
Singularity FAQ (The Rationalist Futurist, Thomas McCabe / Kaj Sotala)
„It is not intended to be an introduction to the Singularity; rather, it is intended to answer the questions of those who have already heard about the Singularity, but still have questions about some of the issues. Due to its length, this document has been broken up into many different sub-sections. Sections of the Singularity FAQ:
Alternatives to Friendly AI
AI and Consciousness
The desirability of a Singularity
The Intelligence Explosion
General Questions
Implementing the Singularity
Implementing Friendly AI
On Intelligence
Miscellaneous Questions
The Power of Intelligence
Societal Issues
The Progress of Technology“ [read original article]
Posted in Anti-Aging, biotech, Evolution / Genetics, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Neuro, Technology, Transhumanism, What is Transhumanism? at 7:02 am by rheil
Transhumanism: The way of the future (Natasha Vita-More, The Scavenger)
„The only way for us to survive is to evolve. Transhumanism – a movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve the mental and physical characteristics and capacities of humans – is the way forward, writes Natasha Vita-More.“ [read original article]
Posted in Transhumanism at 8:07 am by rheil
Many Americans Mix Multiple Faiths – Eastern, New Age Beliefs Widespread (Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life)
„The religious beliefs and practices of Americans do not fit neatly into conventional categories. A new poll by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life finds that large numbers of Americans engage in multiple religious practices, mixing elements of diverse traditions. Many say they attend worship services of more than one faith or denomination — even when they are not traveling or going to special events like weddings and funerals. Many also blend Christianity with Eastern or New Age beliefs such as reincarnation, astrology and the presence of spiritual energy in physical objects. And sizeable minorities of all major U.S. religious groups say they have experienced supernatural phenomena, such as being in touch with the dead or with ghosts.“ [read original article]
Posted in biotech, Technology at 8:02 am by rheil
In New Way to Edit DNA, Hope for Treating Disease (New York Times, by NICHOLAS WADE
Published: December 28, 2009)
„Only one man seems to have ever been cured of AIDS, a patient who also had leukemia. To treat the leukemia, he received a bone marrow transplant in Berlin from a donor who, as luck would have it, was naturally immune to the AIDS virus.“ [read original article]
Posted in biotech, Evolution / Genetics, Nanotechnology, Neuro, Technology at 7:26 am by rheil
50 Science Sagas for 50 Years (Council for the Advancement of Science Writing)
„How do you summarize the past 50 years of discoveries in science, technology, engineering, medicine and mathematics? That kind of challenge would be daunting for any one person – but fortunately, we have a huge crowd of science fans to help with the task.“ [read original article]
Posted in Anti-Aging, biotech, Technology at 7:22 am by rheil
The Year in Biomedicine (TechnologyReview, By Emily Singer, Tuesday, December 22, 2009)
„Advances in antiaging drugs, acoustic brain surgery, flu vaccines–and the secret to IQ.“ [read original article]
Posted in Neuro, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 8:33 am by rheil
Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics
New York Times, December 12, 2009, By DUFF WILSON
„New federally financed drug research reveals a stark disparity: children covered by Medicaid are given powerful antipsychotic medicines at a rate four times higher than children whose parents have private insurance. And the Medicaid children are more likely to receive the drugs for less severe conditions than their middle-class counterparts, the data shows.
Those findings, by a team from Rutgers and Columbia, are almost certain to add fuel to a long-running debate. Do too many children from poor families receive powerful psychiatric drugs not because they actually need them — but because it is deemed the most efficient and cost-effective way to control problems that may be handled much differently for middle-class children?
The questions go beyond the psychological impact on Medicaid children, serious as that may be. Antipsychotic drugs can also have severe physical side effects, causing drastic weight gain and metabolic changes resulting in lifelong physical problems.“ [read original article]
Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 8:29 am by rheil
Viele bunte Pillen – Psychopharmaka: Kinder sind eine wahre Goldmine für die amerikanische Pharmaindustrie
(Telepolis, Thomas Pany22.12.2009)
„Amerikanische Kinder, deren Eltern auf die Unterstützung durch das staatliche Krankenversicherungssystem Medicaid angewiesen sind, werden vier Mal so häufig “starke neuroleptische Medikamente” verschrieben wie Kindern aus Elternhäusern, die sich eine private Krankenversicherung leisten können, so ein Bericht der New York Times. Hinzu komme, dass Kinder, die von Medicaid unterstützt werden, die Medikamente mit “größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit” unter weniger akuten Bedingungen bekommen als ihre Altersgenossen aus der gutsituierten Mittelklasse.“ [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in Nanotechnology, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:59 am by rheil
The next medical frontier: nano-surgery
(PhysOrg.com, December 21, 2009 ) – „Engineering professor’s nanorobot could be performing non-invasive surgical procedures on patients with tumors within the next decade.“ [read original article]
Posted in biotech, Deutschsprachige Seiten, Ethics, Human Enhancement, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 10:51 am by rheil
Zwischen Selbstbestimmung und Selbstausbeutung
Telepolis, Jörg Auf dem Hövel 21.12.2009
“Interview mit dem Rechtsphilosophen Reinhard Merkel über elektronisches und pharmakologisches Neuro-Enhancement
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Merkel lehrt Rechtsphilosophie und Strafrecht an der Universität Hamburg. Von 2003 bis 2005 war er Mitglied der Enquete-Kommission “Ethik und Recht der modernen Medizin” des Deutschen Bundestags. Merkel war Sechster im 400 Meter Lagenschwimmen bei den olympischen Spielen 1968 in Mexico. Er ist Mitverfasser des vieldiskutierten Memorandums ‘Das optimierte Gehirn’, in dem sieben Wissenschaftler zu den Herausforderungen des “Neuro-Enhancements” Stellung nehmen . Im Interview mit dem Rechtsphilosophen von der Universität Hamburg geht es um die Grenze zwischen Therapie und Enhancement, das Recht auf mentale Selbstbestimmung und die Rolle der Ärzteschaft. ” [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in Anti-Aging, Human Enhancement, Transhumanism at 7:06 am by rheil
Calorie restrictive eating for longer life? The story we didn’t hear in the news (Sandy Szwarc, JunkFoodScience, 12. July, 2009)
„This should have been the lead:
The long-awaited research on the effects of calorie restriction on aging in rhesus monkeys from the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin National Primate Research Center have just been released. It found no statistically significant difference in the number of deaths among the monkeys who’ve been eating a calorie-restrictive diet for more than 20 years compared to the monkeys who’ve been allowed to eat ad lib all day as much as 20% over their normal calories.
But that’s not what made the news, of course. Instead, we’ve been bombarded with a thousand news stories all reporting in lockstep that low-calorie diets have been proven to add years to our lives.“ [read original article]
Posted in Cryonic, Technology, Transhumanism at 8:46 am by rheil
Pentagon: Zombie Pigs First, Then Hibernating Soldiers (Wired, by Katie Drummond, December 4, 2009)
„Around half of U.S. troop fatalities are caused by blood loss from battlefield injuries. Now, with another 30,000 troops deploying to Afghanistan, the Pentagon is pushing for medical advances that can save more lives during combat. The Defense Department’s latest research idea: Stop bleeding injuries by turning pigs into the semi-undead. If it works out, we humans could be the next ones to be zombified.“ [read original article]
Pentagon: Zombie Pigs First, Then Hibernating Soldiers (Wired, by Katie Drummond, December 4,
„Around half of U.S. troop fatalities are caused by blood loss from battlefield injuries. Now, with another 30,000 troops deploying to Afghanistan, the Pentagon is pushing for medical advances that can save more lives during combat. The Defense Department’s latest research idea: Stop bleeding injuries by turning pigs into the semi-undead. If it works out, we humans could be the next ones to be zombified.“ [read original article]
Posted in Cryonic, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:04 am by rheil
The Dad’s Army of British cryonics (Simon Hattenstone, The Guardian, 07. Nov. 2009)
„In sleepy Sussex is a group of dedicated cryonicists who believe they hold the secret to eternal life. Simon Hattenstone joins them for a demonstration – but first they need to make sure the hosepipe isn’t too leaky“ [read original article]
Posted in Critics, Deutschsprachige Seiten, Nanotechnology, Technology at 7:16 am by rheil
Abschied von der “Nanotechnologie” (Von Niels Boeing, Technology Review, 04.11.2009)
„Vor kurzem meinte ein Journalisten-Kollege, er wundere sich, dass der ganze Diskurs über potenzielle Risiken der Nanotechnik, pardon “Nanotechnologie”, aus Politik und Wirtschaft selbst angestoßen worden sei – und nicht etwa von technikkritischen Organisationen. An diesem Diskurs haben sich die Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften insgesamt doch eher konstruktiv beteiligt. Joachim Schummer, Philosoph an der TU Darmstadt und zugleich Chemiker, geht nun gegen die versöhnliche Stimmung an: Mit seinem Buch “Nanotechnologie. Spiele mit Grenzen” hat er eine fulminante Streitschrift vorgelegt.“ [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in biotech, Critics, Future, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:36 am by rheil
Woe, Superman?
Oxford Today, Volume 22 Number 1, Michaelmas 2009
„Artificially engendered humans have long been a science fiction staple – from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to Huxley’s Brave New World and, most recently, Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake and Michel Houellebecq’s The Possibility of an Island – their heroes dehumanised figures depicted amid bleak, biotechnologically devastated landscapes.
But in the year of Darwin’s bicentenary, science fact presses hard on the heels of science fiction. Three decades since Louise Brown, the first ‘test tube baby’, woke to the world, breakthroughs are now trumpeted almost every month. Chinese scientists recently announced that they had cloned the first animals from skin cells. Earlier, British scientists revealed they had manufactured artificial sperm using stem cells from a fiveday- old male embryo.
Human enhancement provokes violent controversy: the American writer Francis Fukuyama branded ‘transhumanism’ (the radical enhancement of humanity by technological means) ‘the world’s most dangerous idea’. But genetic technologies are only one, if perhaps the most controversial, sector on the enhancement front.“ [read original article]
Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Nanotechnology, Technology, Transhumanism at 10:04 am by rheil
“Der Beitrag von Reinhard Heil bietet eine historische und philosophische Rekonstruktion der Idee von Unsterblichkeit an, die heutzutage insbesondere durch einen einen großen Teil der Vertreter transhumanistischen Bewegung dank neuer technologischen Entwicklungen – u.a. auch durch die Nanotechnologie – als realisierbar propagiert wird. Hier zeigt Heil die Vielffältigkeit der Meinungen in Bezug auf Unsterblichkeit unter den Transhumanisten und betont, wie dieser Traum unser Selbstverständnis als Menschen herausfordert.”
Erschienen in Visionen der Nanotechnologie, hgg. von Arianna Ferrari und Stefan Gammel, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA, Heidelberg, 2010, 25-50.
Abstract (englisch, der Artikel ist in deutsch): The reference to ideas and notions of the Christian tradition within transhumanist discourse cannot be ignored. Transhumanism picks up topoi which are in close ranks to the religious thought: immortality, paradise, the overcoming of all suffering. The claim of many critics of transhumanism that transhumanism is a religion is debatable. The article analyses this claim and asks “Is the question: ‘Is transhumanism a religion’ actually the right question?” and highlights the role of nanotechnology for the transhumanistic worldview. The article is divided into the following main parts: chapter II introduces transhumanism; chapter III outlines the alteration of the notion of immortality in the 18. century; chapter IV discusses Cryonic; chapter V analyses the visionary components of Eric Drexlers Engines of Creation in comparison with John Adolphus Etzlers The Paradise within the Reach of all Men, without Labor, by Powers of Nature and Machinery from 1833; chapter VI unfurls the concept of singularity; the last chapter criticises the shortfalls of transhumanism and asks “Is the question: ‘Is transhumanism a religion’ actually the right question?”
Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Ethics, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Politic, Technology, Transhumanism at 6:48 am by rheil
Chance verspielt?
Stephan Schleim, Telepolis, 12.10.2009
“Ein deutsches Expertengremium legt seine Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit “Neuro-Enhancement-Präparaten” vor
Sieben Expertinnen und Experten haben die geistige Leistungssteigerung sowie die Verbesserung der psychischen Befindlichkeit mithilfe pharmakologischer Mittel untersucht. Aus ethischer, medizinischer und rechtlicher Perspektive widmen sie sich dem “Neuro-Enhancement”, um eine gesellschaftliche Handlungsempfehlung abzugeben. Dabei bleiben jedoch viele Fragen offen. Ob der Liberalismus, der sich auf dem Papier gut macht, bei der tatsächlichen Entscheidung für oder gegen den Konsum der Substanzen aufgeht, darf bezweifelt werden. Schließlich wird in dem Dokument die Chance verspielt, die bestehenden Missverhältnisse unserer Leistungsgesellschaft einer kritischen Prüfung zu unterziehen. Dabei ist dieser gesellschaftliche Kontext für eine Bewertung der auf uns zukommenden Praxis und ihrer Probleme unerlässlich.” [zum Originalartikel]
Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology at 8:01 am by rheil
Entstehung und Abwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Tatsache
Matthias Becker 01.10.2009 (Telepolis)
„Helfen Antidepressiva gegen Niederschlagenheit? Sind Depressionen überhaupt eine Folge von “Hirnstoffwechselkrankheiten”?
Irving Kirsch, ein englischer Psychologe, bezweifelt es und rät Betroffenen statt zu Psychopharmaka zu einer Verhaltenstherapie. Sein neues Buch lässt kein gutes Haar am “Mythos Antidepressiva”.“ [zum Originalartikel]
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