
G. Prisco: Seminar and debate on transhumanism

Posted in Human Enhancement, Transhumanism at 6:48 am by rheil

Seminar and debate on transhumanism, Lausanne

(»I gave a seminar and participated in a public debate on transhumanism at the University of Lausanne on January 24, 2007, with an audience of about 300 persons of mixed backgrounds.

I gave a simple and non threatening introduction to transhumanism trying to present clear concepts with simple language and without too many big words. Shortly after the beginning I wore my glasses and said that glasses are an example of “transhumanist” technology invented centuries ago. Glasses are, indeed, a simple means to overcome a typical human limitation. In Umberto Eco’s “The Name of the Rose”, monks react to the recently invented eyeglasses as to an invention of the devil and a means to cheat god’s will (nothing new under the sun). [...]«)


INTERVIEW – Nick Bostrom on the future, transhumanism and the end of the world

Posted in Transhumanism, Transhumanists at 7:00 am by rheil

INTERVIEW – Nick Bostrom on the future, transhumanism and the end of the world


(»For most people, the idea of altering human cognitive and physical capacities so as to improve the fundamental character of the human condition is nothing more than science fiction. Indeed, it’s difficult to find a contemporary work of science fiction that does not engage with the ideas of transhumanism whether it is in the shape of cybernetic implants or genetic engineering or even the singularity.

However, far from being the preserve of science fiction writers such as Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow or Vernor Vinge, the ideas of transhumanism have enough academic and political weight to them to lead Francis Fukuyama to declare transhumanism the greatest threat to the future of humanity.

In order to find out more about the realities of the transhumanist movement, SF Diplomat sought out Nick Bostrom to ask him about transhumanism, the end of the world and the future of academic research. [...]«)


RU Sirius: Why Chicks Don’t Dig The Singularity

Posted in AI / Singularity, Transhumanism at 7:45 am by rheil

Why Chicks Don’t Dig The Singularity

(»Joe Quirk may be the world’s first evolutionary psychology (or sociobiology) comic. That’s not a big audience share yet, but his entertaining book, Sperm Are from Men, Eggs Are from Women: The Real Reason Men And Women Are Different, has been well received. By focusing on sex and relationships, Quirk is broadening the audience for the study of the genetic roots of human behaviors.
Quirk recently spoke at the Future Salon about the relationship between “The Singularity” and “sociobiology.”»)


Anne Corwin: Yesterday’s Future

Posted in Future, Transhumanism at 7:14 am by rheil

Yesterday’s Future

(»I have long been fascinated by old magazine articles and advertisements that describe the technology of the times or make speculations about the future. As a teenager, I would spend hours hunting in my great-grandmother’s basement amidst musty boxes for the publications containing these treasures.«)

A Blogentry about the:


Must-know terms for the 21st Century intellectual: Redux

Posted in Future, Transhumanism at 7:33 am by rheil

George P. Dvorsky’s Blog: Must-know terms for the 21st Century intellectual: Redux

(»Blog posts can be strange and unpredictable things. There are times when I pour a ton of energy and creativity into a post only to have it largely ignored. Other times I quickly and haphazardly put something together and it ends up attracting thousands of hits. Such was the case with my recent post, Must-know terms for today’s intelligentsia.

Owing to all the interest, feedback and requests, I’ve decided to revise the list and provide greater detail and links. I apologize for not providing this in the first place.«)


Top Ten Cybernetic Upgrades Everyone Will Want

Posted in Future, Human Enhancement, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:20 am by rheil

Top Ten Cybernetic Upgrades Everyone Will Want (»Science fiction, computer games, anime… cyborgs are everywhere. Transhumanists are philosophers who believe that one day, cybernetic upgrades will be so powerful, elegant, and inexpensive that everyone will want them. This page lists ten major upgrades that I think will be adopted by 2050.«)


Energy 2020: A Vision Of The Future

Posted in Future, Technology, Transhumanism at 6:54 am by rheil


By Lifeboat Foundation Scientific Advisory Board member José Luis Cordeiro

(»In 2020, world population has grown to 7.5 billion people, the global economy is approaching $80 trillion, and the wireless Internet 4.0 is now connecting almost half of humanity. Synergies among nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science (commonly known as NBIC technologies) have dramatically improved the human condition by increasing the availability of energy, food, and water and by connecting people and information anywhere, anytime. The positive effects are to increase collective intelligence and to create value and efficiency while lowering costs. [...]«)


The Edge Annual Question 2007

Posted in Ethics, Future, Human Enhancement, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:04 am by rheil

The Edge Annual Question — 2007


As an activity, as a state of mind, science is fundamentally optimistic. Science figures out how things work and thus can make them work better. Much of the news is either good news or news that can be made good, thanks to ever deepening knowledge and ever more efficient and powerful tools and techniques. Science, on its frontiers, poses more and ever better questions, ever better put.

What are you optimistic about? Why? Surprise us!”)

Read the rest of this entry »


Al Fin Longevity (Blog)

Posted in Anti-Aging, Human Enhancement, Transhumanism at 9:38 am by rheil

Al Fin Longevity (Blog): (»Primary interest is seeing that the best of humanity survives long enough to reach the next level.«)

Blog with a lot of links and videos about life extension.

Secondhand Smoke (Blog: Wesley J. Smith)

Posted in Critics, Human Enhancement, Transhumanism at 9:17 am by rheil

Secondhand Smoke: (»This WEB log considers issues involving assisted suicide/euthanasia, bioethics, human cloning, biotechnology, and the dangers of animal rights/liberation. My views expressed here, as in my books and other writings, reflect my understanding that the philosophy of human exceptionalism is the bedrock of universal human rights. Or, to put it another way: human life matters. (The opinions expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of any organization with which I am affiliated.)«)

Give Me That New Transhumanist Religion: (»Transhumanism is, in my view, a branch of scientism, that is, a quasi religion that seeks to use science in ways for which the great method is not meant. Here’s a little proof. A transhumanist named Giulio Prisco is optimistic about the future of the great post human movement.»)

With a comment from Giulio Prisco.

Wesley J. Smith is a slasher of transhumanism. Senior Fellow Discovery Institute (Thinktank).


James Hughes: Träumen mit Diderot

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Transhumanism at 7:50 am by rheil

Telepolis [02.01.2007]:

James Hughes: Träumen mit Diderot

(»Der Gedanke der Aufklärung, dass wir uns eine bessere Zukunft erschaffen können, ist noch jung und hat noch immer überall auf der Welt zündende Wirkung.
Die Anfänge der Aufklärung liegen im 17. Jahrhundert. Seither haben ihre Ideen immer wieder Kämpfe um religiöse Toleranz, Freiheit der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Demokratie und persönliche Freiheit ausgelöst. Noch heute wird um Aufklärung und Fortschritt gerungen, und das Schlachtfeld hat mittlerweile sogar unsere Keimzellen und Neuronen erreicht. [...]«)


Transfigurism News

Posted in Transhumanism at 6:38 am by rheil

Transfigurism News (“is provided by the Mormon Transhumanist Association, an international nonprofit organization that promotes charitable and working faith in physical salvation, as outlined in the Mormon Transhumanist Affirmation. We are affiliated with the World Transhumanist Association and support the Transhumanist Declaration. Although we are neither a religious organization nor affiliated with any religious organization, we support our members in their personal religious affiliations, and encourage them to adapt Transhumanism to their unique situations.”)