
Gehirn-Doping: Augen geradeaus

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 6:32 am by rheil

Gehirn-Doping: Augen geradeaus

Jörg Auf dem Hövel 23.10.2007

Wie die Pharmafirma Cephalon die vermeintliche Gehirndoping-Substanz Modafinil im psychoaktiven Markt etabliert. Dazu ein Selbstversuch

Im Jahre 1992 wunderte sich Frank Baldino. Die eigentlich nachtaktiven Mäuse in dem Versuchslabor der Pariser Firma Lafon blieben den ganzen Tag wach. Die Tiere standen unter dem Einfluss einer neu entwickelten Substanz, die gegen Depressionen helfen sollte. Die chemisch korrekte Bezeichnung für den Wachmacher lautete kryptisch 2-Diphenylmethyl-Sulfinyl-Acetamid, kurz “Modafinil” genannt.[... ]«)


Facing the Challenges of Transhumanism: Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Considerations

Posted in Critics, Ethics, Evolution / Genetics, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Technology, Transhumanism at 5:43 am by rheil

Facing the Challenges of Transhumanism: Philosophical, Religious, and Ethical Considerations

By Hava Tirosh-Samuelson


What is Transhumanism?

The term ‘transhumanism’ denotes a relatively young and still changing ideology that posits a new vision of humanity as a result of the confluence of advancements in the life sciences, neurosciences, genomics, robotics, informatics, and nanotechnology. These developments include new kinds of cognitive tools that combine artificial intelligence with interface technology, molecular nanotechnology, extension of human life span, genetic enhancing of human mental and physical capacities, combating diseases and slowing down the process of aging, and exercising control over desires, moods, and mental states. Those who enthusiastically promote these developments in biotechnology and bioengineering maintain that the accelerating pace of technological development and scientific understanding will usher in a new age in the history of the human species during which people will live longer, will possess new physical and cognitive abilities and will be liberated from suffering and pain due to aging and disease. In the transhuman age, humans will no longer be controlled by nature; instead they will be the controllers of nature. [...]«)


Dale Carrico: Singularitarian Agony

Posted in AI / Singularity, Critics, Transhumanism at 6:14 am by rheil

Singularitarian Agony

(»I think the following e-mail exchange will interest those of you who are following my latest engagements with partisans of various Superlative discourses (I omit names to protect innocence here).

In the discussions that have recently taken place at your blog, you’ve demonstrated a strong belief that entitative human-surpassing AI will not be possible within a meaningful timeframe

It’s true I am incomparably more skeptical of such an eventuality than Singularitarians seem to be, but, rather true to form, you are not quite grasping the reasons that fuel my skepticism, nor the intended force of my critique. [...]«)