
Die Diskussion um Cognitive Enhancer

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology at 6:59 am by rheil

Die Diskussion um Cognitive Enhancer

Jörg Auf dem Hövel 26.05.2008 (Telepolis)

Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen

Geistig auf der Höhe zu sein wünscht sich jeder. Um den eigenen und sozialen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, greifen verschiedene Personengruppen zu Arzneimitteln, die in dem Ruf stehen Konzentration und Merkfähigkeit zu fördern. Die wissenschaftliche Basis für einen solchen Einsatz ist aber dürftig. Auch die neuen Chemo-Kandidaten aus den Biotech-Schmieden der USA versprechen mehr als sie halten. [...]


If we can enhance our species – make it live longer and resist disease – we should do it

Posted in Evolution / Genetics, Future, Human Enhancement at 7:52 am by rheil

If we can enhance our species – make it live longer and resist disease – we should do it (timesonline)

John Harris

In the future there will be no more human beings. This is not something we should worry about.

Much of today’s scientific research may enable us eventually to repair the terrible vulnerability to which our present state of evolution has exposed us. It is widely thought inevitable that we will have to face the end of humanity as we know it. We will either have died out altogether, killed off by self-created global warming or disease, or, we may hope, we will have been replaced by our successors.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill would allow for inter-species embryos that will not only enable medical science to overcome the acute shortage of human eggs for research, but would provide models for the understanding of many disease processes, an essential precursor to the development of effective therapies. [...]


Brain Scans as Mind Readers? Don’t Believe the Hype

Posted in Neuro, Technology at 9:09 am by rheil

Brain Scans as Mind Readers? Don’t Believe the Hype (Wired)

By Daniel Carla

“So here’s your brain,” the doctor says, as the center of my mental life pirouettes before me, rendered in electric blues and reds. Daniel Amen, MD, manipulates the screen image with a few taps on his keyboard.

“It looks good, pretty symmetrical. Red means more activity, blue means less.”

We’re peering at a Spect scan taken a half hour ago. He takes a closer look. Spect scans are a type of brain-imaging technology that measures neural activity by looking at blood flow. “The only question I’d ask you is whether you’ve ever had a brain injury, because there is low activity in your occipital cortex and your parietal lobe, all on the left side. [...]


Nick Bostrom: Humanity’s biggest problems aren’t what you think

Posted in Human Enhancement, Transhumanism, Video at 11:40 am by rheil

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