
Flux Magazine

Posted in biotech, Ethics, Future, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Neuro, Nootropics, Online Publications, Technology, Transhumanism at 12:49 pm by rheil

Flux Magazine

Flux will give you a taste of the torrent of new technological developments advancing on us: from the energy issue to human enhancement, from information technology to nanotechnology. This magazine is compiled on the occasion of the conference ‘Inspiring Future Politics’ to be held by the EPTA (European Parliamentary Technology Assessment) on Monday 27 October and Tuesday 28 October in The Hague, the Netherlands. The keynote speakers at this conference – chemist Michael Braungart, toxicologist Ellen Silbergeld, sociologist Nikolas Rose and climate expert Pier Vellinga – are interviewed in Flux. No one is more aware of the shifts taking place in our society. They have, furthermore, succeeded in formulating these issues aptly and getting them on to the (political) agenda. More information about the conference is available at www.eptaconference.eu. Because we want you to share in the speakers’ stories and the conference themes, you’ll find inspiring interviews, background stories and columns in ‘Flux’. […]


h+ transhumanist magazine launched

Posted in AI / Singularity, Anti-Aging, biotech, Cryonic, Evolution / Genetics, Human Enhancement, Nanotechnology, Neuro, Nootropics, Online Publications, Technology, Transhumanism at 11:08 am by rheil

h+ transhumanist magazine launched

Humanity Plus (formerly the World Transhumanist Association) has launched h+, a stylish, web-based quarterly magazine that focuses on transhumanism, covering the scientific, technological, and cultural developments that are challenging and overcoming human limitations.

Edited by the legendary RU Sirius, co-founder and editor of the seminal Mondo 2000 magazine, and beautifully designed by virtual worlds artist D.C. Spensley, the magazine’s first issue features cutting-edge ideas and interviews with leaders in longevity, neuroengineering, nanofabrication, open-source robotics, science fiction, and other breakthrough areas. [...]


Die Diskussion um Cognitive Enhancer

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Neuro, Nootropics, Technology at 6:59 am by rheil

Die Diskussion um Cognitive Enhancer

Jörg Auf dem Hövel 26.05.2008 (Telepolis)

Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen

Geistig auf der Höhe zu sein wünscht sich jeder. Um den eigenen und sozialen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden, greifen verschiedene Personengruppen zu Arzneimitteln, die in dem Ruf stehen Konzentration und Merkfähigkeit zu fördern. Die wissenschaftliche Basis für einen solchen Einsatz ist aber dürftig. Auch die neuen Chemo-Kandidaten aus den Biotech-Schmieden der USA versprechen mehr als sie halten. [...]


Studie: Antidepressiva wie Prozac so gut wie Placebos

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 7:19 am by rheil

Studie: Antidepressiva wie Prozac so gut wie Placebos (Telepolis)

Florian Rötzer 26.02.2008

Nach einer Auswertung klinischer Daten kommt eine Studie zu dem Schluss, dass SSRIs, die neuen Antidepressiva der dritten Generation, so gut wie wirkungslos sind

Millionen von Menschen werden mit Antidepressiva behandelt. Neue Medikamente sollen besser wirken, weil sie neu sind und dem fortgeschrittenen Stand der Forschung enstpringen. Eine Studie hat sich die Wirkung der neuen Selektiven Serotonin-Wiederaufnahme-Hemmer (SSRI), die auch meisten verschrieben werden, einmal näher mittels einer statistischen Auswertung vieler Studien angeschaut und kam zu dem Ergebnis, dass sie kaum besser als Placebos sind. Die Untersuchung und deren Veröffentlichung ist mutig, denn sie offenbart nicht nur eine Hilflosigkeit der modernen Medizin gegenüber der häufigsten psychischen Erkrankung, sondern könnte auch einen Markt untergraben, der den Herstellern viele Milliarden Euro eingebracht hat. [...]


Gehirn-Doping: Augen geradeaus

Posted in Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 6:32 am by rheil

Gehirn-Doping: Augen geradeaus

Jörg Auf dem Hövel 23.10.2007

Wie die Pharmafirma Cephalon die vermeintliche Gehirndoping-Substanz Modafinil im psychoaktiven Markt etabliert. Dazu ein Selbstversuch

Im Jahre 1992 wunderte sich Frank Baldino. Die eigentlich nachtaktiven Mäuse in dem Versuchslabor der Pariser Firma Lafon blieben den ganzen Tag wach. Die Tiere standen unter dem Einfluss einer neu entwickelten Substanz, die gegen Depressionen helfen sollte. Die chemisch korrekte Bezeichnung für den Wachmacher lautete kryptisch 2-Diphenylmethyl-Sulfinyl-Acetamid, kurz “Modafinil” genannt.[... ]«)


Prolegomena to any defence of human enhancement

Posted in Future, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 6:54 am by rheil

Russel Blackford: Prolegomena to any defence of human enhancement

(»Any full-scale defence of human enhancement technologies first needs to clear away a lot of misunderstandings. Here’s an attempt to do so.


As a species, we have reached a point in our history where we’ve developed sophisticated, and increasingly powerful, forms of technological intervention in the functioning of our own bodies. Existing possibilities include not only the array of modern techniques for combating disability and disease, but also cosmetic surgery, performance-enhancing or consciousness-altering drugs, the contraceptive pill, and genetically-based methods for the sex selection of children. That list is obviously not exhaustive, and nor does it represent an end point of human inventiveness: for example, there is the much-discussed prospect that we might develop radical new reproductive technologies, such as the asexual creation of embryos through somatic cell nuclear transfer (i.e. reproductive cloning). [...]«)


Engineering Transcendence

Posted in Anti-Aging, Future, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 7:05 am by rheil

Giulio Prisco (Transhumnar): Engineering Transcendence

(»I moved this old (2004) article here for further editing and translating. I argue that science may develop the capability to resurrect the dead, perhaps sooner than envisaged by Tipler in his Omega Point scenario. I propose to base a “transhumanist religion” (perhaps “religion” is not the right word) on this idea.

The essay is divided in “Engineering Resurrection”, “Engineering God”, and “Engineering Hope and Happiness”. [...]«)


Be More Than You Can Be (Wired 15.03)

Posted in Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 7:43 am by rheil

Be More Than You Can Be (Wired 15.03)

Heat-resistant. Cold-proof. Tireless. Tomorrow’s soldiers are just like today’s — only better. Inside the Pentagon’s human enhancement project.

By Noah Shachtman

(»The lab is climate-controlled to 104 degrees Fahrenheit and 66 percent humidity. Sitting inside the cramped room, even for a few minutes, is an unpleasantly moist experience. I’ve spent the last 40 minutes on a treadmill angled at a 9 percent grade. My face is chili-red, my shirt soaked with sweat. My breath is coming in short, unsatisfactory gasps. The sushi and sake I had last night are in full revolt. The tiny speakers on the shelf blasting “Living on a Prayer” are definitely not helping. [...]«)


Paradise-engineering : The Hedonistic Imperative

Posted in Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Technology, Transhumanism at 4:00 pm by rheil

Paradise-engineering : The Hedonistic Imperative (“This manifesto outlines a strategy to eradicate suffering in all sentient life. The abolitionist project is ambitious, implausible, but technically feasible. It is defended here on ethical utilitarian grounds. Genetic engineering and nanotechnology allow Homo sapiens to discard the legacy-wetware of our evolutionary past. Our post-human successors will rewrite the vertebrate genome, redesign the global ecosystem, and abolish suffering throughout the living world.”)

Francis Fukuyama: “Bald schon wird die nachmenschliche Zeit beginnen”

Posted in Critics, Deutschsprachige Seiten, Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Texts about Transhumanism, Transhumanism at 11:53 am by rheil

Francis Fukuyama: “Bald schon wird die nachmenschliche Zeit beginnen” (“Essay von Francis Fukuyama, zehn Jahre nach dem von ihm verkündeten Ende der Geschichte.”)

Wikipedia-Artikel: Nootropic

Posted in Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 11:03 am by rheil

Wikipedia-Artikel: Nootropic (smart drugs)

Melissa Healy: Cosmetic neurology? The future of smart drugs

Posted in Human Enhancement, Nootropics, Transhumanism at 11:01 am by rheil

Melissa Healy: Cosmetic neurology? The future of smart drugs (“It would be hard to imagine improving on the intelligence of computer engineer Bjoern Stenger, a doctoral candidate at Cambridge University. Yet for several hours, a pill seemed to make him even brainier.”)

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